
hugs and loves

not that all of you don't already know this but...life is fragile. 
i've been reminded of that fact today while hearing about the death of someone we know.  while i may not be extremely close to these people it has really affected me.  i hurt for them.  i remember how the husband, who is now dealing with the passing of his wife, gave will and i a very sweet wedding card. 
this is what he wrote......we pray that you both find and experience the blessing that marriage is intended to be!  you two make a great couple and we are glad that you have found each other. 
the saying above our door in the picture below is a wedding gift from that sweet couple. i've been out of sorts all day and the only thing i can figure is not only do i feel the grief that family must be feeling but it brings back those really hard memories of the death of my dad.  that....and i feel like i have so much more to lose these days.
basically since will and i got married i have frequent panic attacks about something happening to one of us. 
lets just say i'm reminded once again by myself and my wise husband (sometimes i swear he's 100 years older than me because he gives the best advice) that i have so much to be thankful for and i need to focus on that rather than worry. 
so hugs and loves to all of you!
[bella sends her hugs too]
i'm focusing on my happy thoughts like......za husband, my family, my friends, the 5 fur babies, kitty, good health, etc.
the list goes on and on.


  1. You definitely are right we all do have many things to be thankful for. I still can't comprehend the grief that your mom, you and your the family went through before. Anyways I want you to know you look soo beautiful in the picture above with Will. I think you're glowing....anything I should know?? And I love the picture of Will and Bella!!! :)

  2. You sound like me and Jess. I'm the worrier of course. Luckily it doesn't happen to often, but I can get pretty freaked out. He of course reassures me every time.

  3. You guys are sweet. Remember "I reject you" every time you feel scared or sad:)

  4. Hi Skye. Found your blog off of Jennifer's. Your mom was my piano teacher years and years ago-I recognized you from your wedding photos on her FB page {you are so beautiful, btw}...although we didn't really know each other, I think you were a bit older... Anyhow, hope you don't mind me here;).

    I understand your worry. I struggle with this constantly. Because you have lost someone so special and close, the reality of how fragile life is is so much clearer. That and like you said, you have so much more to lose now...

  5. Bobbie....You are silly...I know you just made the glowing comment because that is what you are wishing for. Not yet but someday. I told Will we probably shouldn't put that picture of Bella on there because people will think we are too rough with her but she enjoys being held like that. Crazy kitty!

    Brandi....we are two peas in a pod. Luckily we have the wonderful husbands we do.

    Jennifer...I've been doing "I reject you" all day. Loved our emailing back and forth today!

    Kelsey...I'm so glad you commented! I just took a peek at your blog and I love it. I could probably spend hours reading which I'm sure will happen. I do remember you. Not much other than you were really shy and quiet but I was too(still am sometimes). You are completely welcome here! Make yourself at home in this place. I can see why you worry as well. Love your comment!

  6. It was nice to email back and forth. You can email me any time!!! I swear the I reject you helps!!


i LOVE love so feel free to leave me some right in this box below.