
the artistic gene

I think I got some of my artistic talent from my dad. Not just the ability to create, but the ability to appreciate the beauty around me and be inspired by it. My dad was a big fan of nature, animals, mountains, scenery. He had a knack for truly appreciating those things. I tend to be very much like him in that way. I've really started to notice that in my artwork I gravitate towards making something that has to do with animals or outdoors because that is what inspires me most of the time. Thanks dad for passing on such a wonderful gift.

{leather art made by my dad}

[mixed media art made by me]

I named this piece after my dad and when it came time to sell this at my art show I couldn't part with it.  Inspired by a view of the Hualapai mountains on a rainy day.  A beautiful view I tried to capture with paper, ink, and wire.  A view that I know my dad would have soaked up deep in his soul had he been there to witness it.  


  1. This was a sweet post. That's how Jess is, and it's one of my favorite things about him. I always catch him watching the sunset, or just standing with his eyes closed when we're outside and there's a nice breeze or something. I wish I was better at enjoying that stuff. I'm always too distracted.

  2. I am at a loss for words...........you are both inspiring individuals. This is a beautiful post.


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