
she is.....

....beautiful, smart, funny, real, strong, embarrassing in silly ways....
....nurturing, giving, fashionable.....
just a few words to describe my mother.
i really love her.  these pictures of my mom perfectly show her in her element.

being motherly is her specialty....whether it's to her kids including will now, or
to her dogs, or to the baby kitties when she came by to be spoiled earlier.
za husband helped me cook her a lovely meal and we gave her gifts and just enjoyed the time we had together.
happy mother's day to my phenomenal mother!


  1. Skye...you know how I wine and moan and say I look terrible...I actually like the first picture, I can't believe I looked like that. See...not all my genetics are bad :) Being motherly was my specialty...I loved nurturing you kids so much and I guess to the point of obsession according to your dad :) Love you and Will so much...thank you for making it a special day.

  2. <3 I love your relationship with your mom! That is one of the best things in the world to have:-) (a good relationship)


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