
our tiny model

i know....kitty pictures again....but they are so cute and i can't resist taking millions of pictures of them.  i have lots of good ones so it's hard to figure out which to post but today it is all about houndstooth.
i have always considered myself a dog person but this little girl has made me a kitty person too.
she loves to take naps while i hold her.  she makes me laugh on a daily basis.  i've never known a little kitten to have such a personality.  she already likes her harness and will wear it around the house for hours at a time.  we are still working on the leash training, she kind of freezes up when i attach the leash.  we have caught her on several occasions grooming her siblings like a little mother.  oh and i swear she knows the word kisses because if you say it she follows through with a smooch.

last night i caught her eating food like this.  apparently little houndstooth thinks it's hard work to eat because she was partially in the dish while lying down and tipping it towards herself. 
if you were to say i'm obsessed with her that would most likely be a true statement. 
do you blame me?


  1. She is super cute! I just love her photos. Baby kitties are one of the naughtiest, but cutest animals out there.

  2. haha...I cant wait until you have babies, you will be going crazy posting pictures of them! Your baby kitty is adorable xoxo

  3. I love Houndstooth on the houndstooth blankie.

  4. Dude, you should totally submit some of these pics to http://cuteoverload.com.

    Especially this one: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-up6dNxZvLYM/TdhRU9nGLbI/AAAAAAAADCI/WbFMI4ehVD8/s1600/029.JPG


i LOVE love so feel free to leave me some right in this box below.