this is what you'll see if you type my shop name in the search box....
let's just say i spent several frustrating hours setting up a paypal account, getting the basics going for the shop, and photographing art. this shop thing isn't for wimps (which is exactly what i felt like several times) maybe it's because i'm trying to cram all of it into one evening and really it could take days for such things. i'm still stumped on little things like packaging and shipping costs. i guess i'll be using all my free hours for the next couple days to really get this going.
i got frustrated several times and had to call za husband in for help.
hopefully he'll forgive me for losing my temper because i really was a cranky pants.
some of you might be wondering how i came up with my shop name so if you haven't heard the story, here it is....... one night i was out with friends and a friend made the comment "skye, you are so stylish"
i was flattered to hear such a thing especially since i'm not sure that it's true.
then another friend just randomly blurted out skyelish which is obviously my name plus the word stylish mixed together.
so skye + stylish = skyelish
the idea stuck back before my first art show which was almost exactly 2 years ago and so the name was born.
*i will announce the official opening of the shop on here and facebook just as soon as it is ready.
*i decided to go with
you can find me by going to that site and typing skyelish in the search or clicking the following link
now please excuse me while i stop screaming at the computer and ready myself for dreamland.
p.s. thanks to all of you who have given encouraging words and helped to get me to this know who you are. xoxo!