
shop time

this is the banner that's up in my shop.  nothing fancy but it's good for getting started.....
this is what you'll see if you type my shop name in the search box....
let's just say i spent several frustrating hours setting up a paypal account, getting the basics going for the shop, and photographing art.  this shop thing isn't for wimps (which is exactly what i felt like several times) maybe it's because i'm trying to cram all of it into one evening and really it could take days for such things.  i'm still stumped on little things like packaging and shipping costs.  i guess i'll be using all my free hours for the next couple days to really get this going. 
i got frustrated several times and had to call za husband in for help.
hopefully he'll forgive me for losing my temper because i really was a cranky pants.
some of you might be wondering how i came up with my shop name so if you haven't heard the story, here it is.......  one night i was out with friends and a friend made the comment "skye, you are so stylish"  
i was flattered to hear such a thing especially since i'm not sure that it's true.  
then another friend just randomly blurted out skyelish which is obviously my name plus the word stylish mixed together. 
so skye + stylish = skyelish
the idea stuck back before my first art show which was almost exactly 2 years ago and so the name was born.

*i will announce the official opening of the shop on here and facebook just as soon as it is ready.
*i decided to go with bigcartel.com
you can find me by going to that site and typing skyelish in the search or clicking the following link

now please excuse me while i stop screaming at the computer and ready myself for dreamland.  
p.s.  thanks to all of you who have given encouraging words and helped to get me to this point....you know who you are.  xoxo! 


  1. You will do amazing!!!
    I would check out some of the other sellers shipping policies. Use other people's ideas to do what you need to do. Even ask them questions. I wouldn't say you are opening your own shop, but you can ask like you are buying something. I know it sounds fiendish, but my guess is that all of these people did the exact same thing. I am a big fan of the flat rate shipping box, just so you pay one price. Most often the lady at the down town post office will charge you the flat rate or the actual cost of shipping if its cheaper. (Its out of the way, but not as busy) You can charge shipping and handling..for the little things you need to wrap and protect your beautiful pictures. Check out the post office website for ideas too:) Maybe do a few mock shipping thing just to see what its going to cost you. People are huge on not paying to much for shipping, but you don't want to lose money either. ( I've sold stuff on ebay before)

  2. I LOVE the banner! Don't worry, when I tried to make a banner for Tyra's etsy shop I got a bit feisty with poor Jess too, and it wasn't at ALL his fault and he was trying to help. I had to some apologizing too. Anyway, I'm SOOOO excited you're doing it!

  3. Yay! Skye, I am SO happy that you finally made a shop! You are going to do so well and then next thing you know, you'll be in other people's blogs and websites and magazines! You're going to be rich and famous soon. :) And I love your banner! So cute! I'm sorry we never got to have our etsy day, but you've got it going now! When I first started my shop I looked at other people's shipping prices for similar items for help on what to charge.
    Notice I didn't even attempt to make my own banner. Sorry Brandi and Jess!

    Anyhoo...I'm super excited for Skyelish and I know you're going to be a success!

  4. yaaaay! i'm glad it's almost here, so excited to check it out.

  5. Skye, that's awesome, and I LOVE the name. :)

  6. Yay! Yay! Yay! This is very good news. Hurry up and finish. Cuz I'm ready to do some shopping at Skyelish!! :)

  7. Jennifer...I had already been browsing around for shipping ideas etc. I'm just paranoid about wanting it all to go perfectly so I don't want to leap until I know everything is all set. Call me crazy...I certainly can be :) Thank you for the encouraging comments and ideas! It means so much!

    Brandi...that's funny. Glad I'm not the only one who lost it a bit while doing such things. Thank you for being excited about this. I know you've been suggesting a shop for so long :)

    Tyra....I love your grand thoughts. Thank you for all of your encouragement over the years! I love what you envision for skyelish! One thing I've noticed so far is most art shops sell prints and since i'm selling the original canvas it's a little different. Prints may be in the future. I have someone who is helping to plan that and some other stuff for skyelish. I'm sure I'll get it all figured out. Maybe I'll just learn as I go along.

    Lisa...remember when I said it would be coming soon? Well I really didn't think it would be quite so soon because I still have more to research and figure out but I got a wild hair last night and went for it. I worked on it a little more tonight so it's getting closer by the minute! Stay excited :)

    Nicole....Thank you so much! Glad you love the name :)

    Bobbie...I knew you'd be thrilled at the news. I'll keep you posted. You've already reached VIP customer status for sure. Thank you! :)

  8. Everything will come together nicely. There will be some trials, but everyone would do it if it were that easy:)


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