
getting bucked off the exercise ball

i love when za husband has really genius ideas.  please enjoy his most recent one...
i'm sitting at the computer.  will is standing on the other side of the desk.  he sees the exercise ball and for some odd reason decides to stand on it.  first he tries while holding on to a chair and is rather successful and staying balanced on top of the ball.  so i say....hey let me try!  i couldn't even balance for one second while holding on to the chair so i gave up.  one minute later i see him stand on the ball without holding on to anything and it flies out from under him so fast it rockets toward the hall and i hear something break and rush to his side to make sure he didn't hit his head on the desk.  he starts laughing hysterically.  then i laugh and survey the damage.  apparently his foot hit this wall plug cover thing on the way down.  so it busted into a few pieces.
he was laughing so hard while i took this picture but unfortunately refused to turn around and look at the camera.
i'm pretty sure my days would be extremely boring without him.


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