
the penguin with magic powers

so as we were sitting around relaxing and talking after work we suddenly realized that exactly a year ago we got engaged.  today was such a busy day that it had slipped both of our minds until a few minutes ago.  every moment of 7/29/09 is still insanely vivid in my memory.  i remember every little detail, so i kindly replayed the whole thing for za husband since his memory isn't quite as fantastic as mine.  we laughed about our story.  although my memory isn't so great all the time because i can't remember if i've discussed our engagement on here before, so forgive me if this is a repeat. 
ours is not the traditional ultra mushy engagement story but i love it for what it is.  i'll certianly never forget that will proposed from a hospital bed.  i'll never forget all the things he said to me and how he insisted on calling my mom right away.  i won't forget the conversation he had with her and how we all felt so happy.  i won't forget that he was so close to throwing up from all of the medication and on the inside i was having a panic attack because i don't handle vomit very well but i tried to stay strong and be supportive.  i won't forget how i was so worried about him every time a machine beeped and i kept telling him to breath because i thought he was forgetting. 
i think it took about 3 days for the engagement reality to set in for me.  when will first asked me to marry him i told him he had way too many drugs in his system therefore he was too loaded to really ask me such a thing.  he insisted that wasn't the case but for about 3 days after him asking i kept checking to see if he still meant it or if it was just a drug induced crazy idea.  well obviously he meant it and i'm so happy he did.
the next day we went ring shopping since he wasn't prepared with a ring because this wasn't a planned moment for him at all.  when i asked him why he randomly popped the question this was his answer...."i just had an epiphany when i woke up from surgery."  while ring shopping i found this adorable necklace
i wanted it so bad but after seeing the price tag and knowing he had something more important to buy like an engagement ring i kind of let the penguin seem less important.  several months later i saw the penguin and i was still in love, luckily he remembered this when my birthday came up several months later and now i own this gem.  the penguin reminds me of ring shopping and being so happy about our engagement so it's definitely a special thing for me.  i actually wore the necklace today....obviously not planned since i forgot the significance of this date.  earlier today my friend bridget commented on how cute my penguin necklace is and i told her it has magic powers.  she asked what kind of powers and since she had just been saying how tired she was i told her if she kissed it, it would give her tons of energy plus a million dollars for good measure.  don't ask me how i come up with these kinds of things.  they just pop into my head.  i'm not quite sure she believed me but i'd like to continue believing that it's true.

i am so incredibly happy that a year ago za husband had such a wonderful epiphany.  we are the best team i can think of.  together we have magic powers just like the penguin.
except ours are magic powers of love.


  1. I love hearing stories about people falling in love/getting engaged. Maybe I'll have to do that some time.

    I also LOVE your engagement pictures.

  2. That is such a sweet story. So you had quite the whirlwind romance? Funny how some people are just meant to be. I love, love, love the engagement pictures. They are amazing. The penguin necklace is adorable too. It warms my heart how sweet you two are on each other!

  3. I, (surprisingly), remember last year when you told me you were engaged!!!! I actually couldn't beleive it at first cuz I thought you were trying to trick me (not that you'd ever do that to me!) :) Anyways, I'm soo glad you guys have each other and are now married. You two make a beautiful couple and will make beautiful babies, when the time is right! :)

  4. yes brandi please do! thanks! i love our engagement pics too. i sometimes just gaze at them over and over.

  5. Jennifer yes it was most definitely a whirlwind crazy romance. I mean we dated for 8 months off and on. In fact at the time he asked me to marry him we weren't technically dating so that might explain a little more about why I wanted to see if he really meant it. We were just meant to be and that was very clear after a while. Thank you for saying such sweet things.

  6. bobbie....i never play tricks on you. ok maybe i have a couple times. if it were up to you or mia i'm sure right now would be the perfect time for babies :)

  7. When you guys do have babies, you will wonder why you waited so long:)

    Its easy to say such nice things. You two are pretty great!!

  8. The penguin is magical because it kept calling to me to remind za husband...it is so magical that it made me use my plastic because za husband can be a little forgetful. I don't get how Will can send you flowers for every little anniversary and then he forgets other stuff. :)

  9. awww to me, that's pretty mushy romantic! to think of Will waking up from surgery and going through that and just knowing he wanted you by his side always.. that's pretty romantic to me, hospital bed proposal and all ;)

    My proposal was simple but I wouldn't change it for the world : It was right before I was leaving my home and Texas behind. We had already decided we didn't want to do the long distance anymore, that we wanted to be together. My friends were all wondering how I could move across the US for him without being engaged first, but I just knew that I wanted to be with him and it would happen eventually. I had no idea he had planned to ask me that last night, in our first home together. Knowing how close I am to my twin sister (as I am sure your girls will be ;) twins, its truly the best having your best friend since the womb), he told her about it--even got her help picking out my engagement ring--and she was there when he asked me. He said he knew I would want to share that moment with my twin sister too ha (that's how close we are) and also because she drove me over to our house where he was waiting to ask me (I thought he was just packing last minute things). I remember the first thing I asked him was if he asked my dad's permission first. He had earlier in the day ;) but my Momma didn't know about it. When I got home and showed her my engagement ring and told her about our happy news, she cried happy tears. My Momma isn't one to cry really so that moment meant so much to me because she truly was happy for me.

    ps. that penguin necklace is beautiful!!! I can just see you passing it on to Ever one day <3


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