
the red courduroy book

there is this magic book i own.  it's pages are sprinkled with very special stories and the occasional adorable drawing.  the author is someone i really love.  if my house were ever on fire (which i hope it never is) this book is one of the few items i would stop to grab.
i'll have to read through to see if there is a suitable story to share, but really it's pretty personal and i think my mom would get embarrassed if i shared too much of it's content.  i know i've told my mom how much i love that she kept this record, but i'm not sure if she'll ever really understand how much it means to me.  it amazes me that i am the same person now that i was at two years of age in so many ways.  aside from the special or funny stories my mom documented there is an outpouring of love from her.  i also adore the fact that my dad wrote a few wonderful things in there as well.  his written words are priceless since he is no longer on this earth to physically tell me those things.   
this is me showing off my artistic abilities on the inside cover of the book at a very young age.  i guess i had a thing for jewelry then since i thought it was necessary to draw a ring on each finger. 
yes, this here journal is the perfect thing when i need a little extra boost.  on my least confident days, i am reminded that if i once was this self assured little being, i can be that again.


  1. I love this. I have a "Mother's Journal" that I started for Hailey, and I have neglected it FAR too much, and I think you have reminded me to start writing in it again, and that I better buy a few more to keep up with my other two lovelies. :) Thank you.

  2. Aww, you told me about this when we met at Starbucks that time and you first told me what a great mom you had.

  3. I probably would be embarrassed if you shared...only because those are tender, sacred words from me and your dad. I remember there are some cute stories that you might be able to share. I am so grateful that I did this because I would not have remembered many of those things and I thought it was important for you to know how I felt about my special baby girl at that time when I was experiencing the joy and wonder of you. :)

  4. Your drawing is soo adorable!! It reminds me of something that Mia might draw. It's just soo cute how you put those rings on each of your fingers. I love it!!


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