
happy stuff

a few happy thoughts.......

* remembering that our wedding anniversary is sunday......one year of bliss down and many more to go.
*  knowing that our disneyland trip is right around the corner!
*  hearing za husband say this to me today......"i adore you."
*  getting the above pictured letters in the mail after forgetting i had ordered them over a month ago when they were on backorder.
*  getting a text from my friend brandi this evening saying that she's having steady contractions and could possibly have angel baby #3 soon. 
*  the unexpected gift my aunt brought to my office today.

hooray for all those things! 


  1. Yes Hooray!! For ALL of those things:) The letters are very cute. Where did you find them?

    Wow, 1 year already..So cool:)

  2. I got the letters from urban outfitters. They were cuter than I expected :) Yes...so hard to believe it's been a year. I kind of hate that time seems to go so fast lately.

  3. Yeah, I feel the same way too. Just embrace it all. Wait till you have kids, it goes that much faster..Sigh* But the memories are awesome and so worth it.

  4. lisa....i knew you would. i can usually predict the things you will love because in some ways we certainly have the same taste. that's because we are cousies! hooray!

  5. I love everything about those letters too!

    And thank you for visiting Neely and me! Hopefully we'll see you soon!


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