

one day when i was about 19 i said i was going to buy a horse and i did.  i didn't have an abundance of money but i wanted my horse dreams to come true so i paid payments and got the most magical guy named whisper.  he frightened me lots of the time because he was a fiesty 2 year old and i'm a bit of a wimp.  but then there is something special about the human horse relationship, it's almost as if you can look into their eyes and they speak to you and you know they would never purposely hurt you.  which he didn't....once on accident but that's all.  my dad was always a bit of a horse whisperer in his days.  he understood the animals because he had worked around them in one capacity or another throughout his life.  basically like a real life cowboy, especially in his younger years.  when i got my horse my dad spent almost all of his free time teaching me about whisper.  there was a point when i felt i got in too far with this horse purchase of mine and i questioned my quick decision.  i knew horses were a lot of work to keep and expensive too but i didn't know exactly how much until i was past the point of no return.  those couple years i had whisper where some of the greatest closest times that my dad and i had together right before he left for the spirit world so know i can look back and understand that i didn't make a mistake.  i wish i had picture of whisper to post but they are all at my moms so i'll post pictures from the movie we saw tonight...

i don't usually do a great deal of talking about movies on here but this one was fantastic and i want to see it again.  it takes a lot for me to hold my attention on a movie.  i find my mind wandering in most movies or i'm just bored.  not with this one.  could be the connection about horses that i share with my dad or the fact that this was a great true story.  if i was at home away from people when i watched it i might have cried through the whole thing because that's just how much it got to me.  instead i bit my lip and ate my pretzel and fought back the tears.  seriously a great movie....if you are a horse lover you'll love it and even if you aren't you'll probably still love it.

p.s. whisper was almost the same color as this horse and had a white spot on his face much like this horse.  oh and i never got to say goodbye to whisper because he went to live with another great family when my dad was out of town in the hospital and we could no longer care for him since we were out of town with my dad.  sad but true.


  1. I didn't know any of this about you! We'll have to Netflix that movie over here!

  2. i bet you will find even more out as time goes by. i'm like a diamond.....mutifacted...
    you know?

  3. yes you have to see it because ....it's magical!

  4. I beat Secretariat in a foot race. I was even having an off day.

    I loved the movie too poopasaurus!!

  5. Best movie! Made me think of Whisper and Buddha. :)


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