
when it gets hot

you know it's getting hot outside when the floorboard of my vehicle looks like this after a few days.
or when we find a spider the size of my hand on the back porch.
i am not joking, this spider caused all sorts of craziness at our house a few nights ago. 
a ruckus that involved screaming, bad words, chills, bug spray, a bright light, etc. 
i have a few pictures of it (that za husband so kindly took because i couldn't manage to be outside at all after seeing it, this coming from a girl who grew up in the mountains and has witnessed all sorts of terrible spiders).  i could not imagine not documenting something so insanely big and scary but to save you from being really terrified i won't post pictures.  i can barely stand to look at them without getting chills and i'm pretty sure a couple people who read this blog would say lots of bad words to me if i posted the pictures so just believe me....it was awful! 
next time will calls for me to come look at the craziest spider he's ever seen...i think i'll pass.
the creepy crawlies that come out with this weather are just one reason i am not a fan of summer.


  1. Yeah, I hate summer for the bugs, too. We've had some SERIOUSLY huge spiders wandering around in the house and it's so gross. You should see the frantic running I do when I see one! EW!

    I'm having a giveaway on my blog--you're welcome to check it out!

  2. As I started to read this I almost closed it up right away because I thought you were going to post a picture of the spider! But I was brave and kept on reading. :) I am soooo glad that you didn't post a picture of the ugly creepy crawly!!


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