
laughing fits lead to...

i don't know the last time i laughed so hard and had so much fun doing simple things.  my mom and i spent yesterday afternoon running errands and baking.  there were several moments during our hours together that we laughed uncontrollably over the dumbest things.  you know the kind of laughter where you can barely breathe and you have tears rolling down your face and you feel like you might pee your pants?  well embarrassing but true....i did just that.  i peed my pants from laughing so hard and not only did i do that once but twice!  thankfully it didn't happen while we were in petco like i thought it might, both ridiculous incidents happened while at home.  i blame it all on the baby girl that is currently perched atop my bladder.  i wonder what she thinks when i laugh that hard?
i could certainly have a million more afternoons like the one i had yesterday.  i love my mom.


  1. I honestly can't think of when I have had that much fun, and laughed so hard. It was so random and unplanned, and it turned out magical. :)
    I love you Skye Lee

  2. I love you for posting about peeing your pants! Haha. I love laughing that hard.


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