
this gas tank filling guy i know

i love that as we were settling in the other night i realized my vehicle was dangerously low on gas.  since i loathe doing the whole gas station thing i started telling my sad empty gas tank story to za husband.  he being the wonderful man he is gets in the car and drives to the nearest gas station, while i fill his head with all kinds of nonsensical stories, i'm sure.  i love that husband of mine.  he also made my vehicle all sorts of sparkly and shiny this weekend so i can drive her around as pretty as she should always be.


  1. That is really sweet of him! Make sure you do special things for him too:)

  2. I really don't like getting gas either. I get all sad if the light comes on. Haha. Not sure why it's such a big deal.

  3. it's funny that we all dislike it like it's the worst thing in the world. but truthfully i'd rather do laundry and clean the house than gas up the vehicle.

  4. I guess you do love me since you gassed up my vehicle when I was sickly and dying on Friday.


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