

january 2nd is always the day we celebrate my brother.....because it is his birthday. 
for those of you who don't know...this is brandon, my younger brother.
we were basically best buds growing up because it was just us to keep each other entertained.  doesn't mean we didn't get in the occasional make a fat lip body slam sort of fight at the ripe old ages of 4 and 6.  no biggie, we still loved each other 99% of the time.  he's laid back, funny, and smart to name a few things.  it is a guarantee that if you spend time with brandon you are sure to laugh because of his quick wit.  when we hang out nowadays he makes fun of me most of the time.  example......skye/boz drawing
among other things we celebrated by playing cranium (yes we are slightly obsessed with that game lately)
i won't mention any names but someone pictured below got crazy competitive like she usually does and spent some time attacking her teammates when they weren't playing up to her standards...
it's ok...we still love you mom, especially when you have firework eyeballs.
p.s.  i really loved the fact that she made sure the fuse parts were positioned upward on both and told me they were the eyelashes.   

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