
scottie dogs

it sure is nice to be reunited with my beloved.  you know what else is nice....when he unpacks his bag and says oh yeah....i got you a little something.
he got me a scottie dogs.
not the real kind but the kind that are of the candy variety.
scottie dog licorice.
he said....i thought you would like these because they are cute.
and he was totally right. 
i love cute! 
cute anything.
so thank you dear husband for getting me cute sweet little red edible scottie dogs while you were away.
and thanks for being my sidekick, for being sweet to me the past few days while i haven't felt good, for getting the angel food cake out of the oven before it all went up in flames, for going to a movie with me and the fam, for surprising me by coming home from work at lunch (yes he had to work today...lame), for making me laugh, and for slaying spiders.
oh i almost forgot......

thank you for letting me get these for our checking account and not even making a big deal about having hello kitty checks with your name on them because you know how bad i want them.


  1. Za handsome Russian loves his bride!

  2. Haha, I like your checks! I ALSO love scottie dogs. I want one, and I'm doing a scottie dog theme for our baby's room.

  3. I'm so glad Will is a good sport about everything.....even hello kitty checks.
    How adorable....that is a really cute baby room theme idea and so original!

  4. !!! Hello Kitty checks !!!

    so cute. and now i want that scottie dog candy.

  5. lisa maybe i could save you some of the scottie dog candy.

  6. Poor Crazy Russian was tired. Many miles on little sleep. Cute little doggies were as tasty as they were aesthetically pleasing.


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