
drivers license adventures

after work we decided to make a little trip to the motor vehicle place and get the address changed on our licenses plus i had yet to change my name on my license since our wedding in november.
going to that place is obviously not on my top ten list of fun things to do.
a few weeks ago i had gone online to see what it would take to change my name on my license.  i had high hopes that it was something i could do on the internet but figured i would end up spending some time at the place that is full of scary people.  just so you know it can't be done online. 
in hopes to make our trip quick i came prepared with our marriage certificate, my new social security card, and my old license.....all of the ingredients needed for a seamless switcheroo.
i thought for sure since my last drivers license was issued just a year ago i wouldn't need to take a new picture.  i was wrong and i pouted about it and begged that they just use my old picture. 
for my previous trip to the dmv i planned ahead with a little touch up of hair and makeup.  i mean let's face it....a drivers license picture is widely publicized and i prefer to have a good one.
after whining about the fact that i had to get a new picture i dug through my purse and quickly put on what makeup i could find as fast as possible before they called my number.  my lovely husband just made fun of me and joked that if they did an eye test i'd most likely fail.  ha ha very funny Will.  it's probably true though....my perfect vision has slowly declined over the years, so much so that Will recently asked.....honey when are you due for an eye exam?  past due thank you very much!
anyway we both made it through the unpleasant process fairly quickly and without much harm done. 

just the other day i was saying how much i like my drivers license picture because i look like a vampire with that super pale skin.
now in the new picture i look like i've spent plenty of time lounging in the sun. 
the funny thing is....my skin is the same color it always has been (pale) so the camera played a trick both times. 
goodbye vampire picture hello sunkissed picture.

we couldn't help but laugh at the drastic difference in will's pictures.
i kept asking him to show me the new license because i think it's the best.
let's just say i know how to cook and it shows.

p.s.#1 here is a picture of the giraffe i just made and sold.
p.s.#2  for the record i love our neighborhood.  it is quiet.  it is friendly.  it is pretty.  it has been fun taking walks around it like we have lately and enjoying views like this...


  1. You know what???? You guys totally look happier in your new driver's license pictures. It's cuz you found each other!!! :)

  2. did you know you can go to servicearizona.com, that's where I change my address, and they just use your old pic... but hello, you are beautiful in BOTH!

  3. Bobbie yes I agree with you! The two lost puzzle pieces found each other!
    See....I do respond to you :)

    Barb yeah unfortunately that website doesn't let you change your name. I've replaced a missing license with that before but I knew it would be quite the ordeal to change my name. Now that that's out of the way servicearizona will be my bff. Thanks for the sweet compliment too!!!

    Lisa thanks for loving Gus the giraffe. I'm sure he appreciates it as much as I do!

  4. Skye.......Is that what you named your picture? 'Gus the Giraffe'? If you did I think it's cute!!!! Oh yeah, thanks for responding to me! :)


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