
the truth

*daffodils....one of my most favorite flowers which were brought over as a gift this evening from some lovely ladies.

i am shy.  i go through times where i feel insecure about myself or my art or anything really.  i worry about what other people think way too much.  i stress about insignificant things.  sometimes i let my insecurity or shyness get in the way of life.  i let it keep me from pursuing dreams to the fullest.  i let it keep me from getting to know other people.  with that said, tonight is a night worth writing about.  a couple lovely ladies that i don't know very well were set to stop by my house.  this has been the plan for a few days and as silly as it might sound i've been anxious about it.  i had all sorts of questions swirling around in my head..... 
what if my house isn't clean enough or put together just right?  what if they think i decorate my home much like a kindergartner would?....because i kind of do.  what if this outfit looks bad on me?  what if it's awkward and we have nothing to talk about?  
i'm pretty sure that i can safely say i'm not alone with this sort of thing.  it's human nature to be this way or at least woman nature....sometimes a little and sometimes a lot.  i have to say, it seems that just when i'm worrying about a certain time like tonight all the sudden i'm reminded that the world is full of beautiful people.  we all have a story and we can all relate in one way or another.  i discover the magic that each individual person has and that is such a refreshing feeling.  after our visit my batteries that were in desperate need of a charge felt full.  i felt renewed, uplifted, and inspired.
it is a goal of mine to be more open and less ridiculous so that i can find more wonderful people in this big world which i can call friends because i know there is plenty more magic out there in every soul.
two lovely ladies came by my house as acquiantences and they left as friends.       


  1. I love this post and the daffodil pales in comparison to your beauty. I am somewhat responsible for your insecurities because I am so paranoid and insecure...sorry. No one has the artistic talent, or decorating abilities that you have! Just deal with the fact that you are amazing.
    Love, za muzza

  2. Im only left to assume these lovely ladies had the initials of VT?

  3. Does this mean you will come to game night with us?? :D

  4. I think you are one of the nicest most genuine people I have ever met. You are unique and that makes you awesome. You are fun and spunky and from the outside looking in you definitely seem to have it all together:P I worry all the time to. To the point of being very anxious. I look back and tell myself later on that I was being silly. Remember, “Be Who You Are and Say What You Feel Because
    Those Who Mind Don't Matter
    and Those Who Matter Don't Mind.”
    -- Dr. Seuss

  5. Lately, I've been finding that mid-conversation with people I'll suddenly be very aware of myself. Like, aware of what I'm doing and how I look and what I'm saying. I start reading into how I'm being perceived AS or BEFORE I'm even being perceived. It's definitely something I need to work on - letting go, I guess? Reading this made me feel much better though :)

    Thanks for swinging by blog - I'm thoroughly enjoying yours.

  6. mother....i love you.

    camille.... i knew you would know.

    nicole....maybe :) yes probably.

    jennifer....you are a doll. always so sweet and p.s. i have that quote hanging in my office. i love it.

    jac...i love your honesty on here and your beautifully written blog. p.s. your photography is awesome.


i LOVE love so feel free to leave me some right in this box below.