
prayers for mascara a.k.a. maskie

as most of you know there are 5 beautiful dogs who live at my moms house and they are a huge part of her life as well as the lives of all of us.  some of you know that my moms dog mascara has cushings disease.
poor maskie was diagnosed a couple years ago and my mom has done everything she possibly can to ensure maskie's disease doesn't get worse.  these dogs are honestly like my moms children.  her love for animals grew like crazy after the death of my dad back in 2001.  at this point due to my moms hypervigilance and extreme dedication in every sense mascara has suffered very little effects of this disease.  her recent lab work showed that the medication she was on wasn't working very well anymore so after much thought, prayer, and discussion with her awesome veterinarian my mom decided to go forward with a more agressive medication that will hopefully put maskie into remission.  the downside is this medication can make her sick.  my mom has done lots of research and proceeded with the new treatment today.  i am very hopeful that this treatment will work, as is my mom and the rest of the family but of course we are praying that this sweet beautiful girl doesn't feel the bad effects of the medication.  my mom has taken a week off work to stay with mascara as it is necessary to monitor her every moment while on this medication.  please pray that our sweet maskie gets through this treatment very easily and that she can continue living her happy life without the dark cloud of cushings hanging over her head.


  1. I just said a good prayer for Mascara and the other dogs too. It makes me want to cry just thinking about anything happening to my dogs or any of the dogs of my friends and family. I'll keep Maskie in my prayers for sure.
    PS...I just asked Faithers to say a prayer for her too and she's doing it as I type. :)

  2. Tell Tyra thank you and that I love her :) Perfect blog Skye Lee...Dr. Paterson is awesome and I love that you blogged about Mask. You should see Mask...she knows that I am her shadow today and now she comes in and looks at me before she does anything. Dogs have a connection with people and people who do not realize that are stupid. I love you :)

  3. Stacy, did you bring your dogs to Cerbat between 2001 and 2003? That's when I worked there and I feel like I might remember them, even though I didn't even know you guys yet.

    I'll pray for her!

  4. yes, that's when I brought my beautiful babes there. I'm sure you remember them because they are stunning and special :) Actually it was 2002-2003. Thank you for praying for my girl, it means everything. :)

  5. Awww, Poor baby. I hope the side effects are minimal for her. I will keep her in my prayers as well.

  6. thank you for the sweet comments and prayers. i love you all!


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