
yellow and green squash

now i know i can't send will to the store by himself.
conversation goes a little like this:
me: i forgot to get squash.  can you go back to the produce section and get me one yellow squash and one green one for the vegetable lasagna. 
him: yes.
me: ok you know which kind i'm talking about right?
it's taking longer than i expected and he comes back with these two in his hands.
which made me laugh. 
him: what?  these are both squash right? one is green and one is yellow.
me: well yes but that's an acorn and butternut squash.  follow me and i'll show you which ones i was talking about.
yes, i meant this kind. 
luckily he was a good sport about letting me take pictures and teasing him.
p.s. he has done pretty good figuring out the right things on plenty other occasions.


  1. Haha, that made me think of a little boy I ran into at Smiths. He was sent in for celery, and didn't know what it looked like. He was all nervous when he asked me to help him, like he thought I was going to laugh at him. I didn't. :)

  2. haha, that is cute! Veggie lasagna sounds good. I never use meat in mine either.


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