last night will reminded me of footage i completely forgot we had and i put together this little video. some of it has been seen before...some of it hasn't....all of it is very special to us.
from my heart to yours
i needed a pep talk so i gave myself one. if you need a pep talk check out our latest youtube video.....
also, i hope you enjoy the footage of 27 year old me.
don't forget to subscribe to our channel on youtube.
also, i hope you enjoy the footage of 27 year old me.
don't forget to subscribe to our channel on youtube.
3 months old and our first date
when i have more time i'll do a proper post about fable and olive turning 3 months old yesterday but for now enjoy this cute video of them and many other things.
my version of baymax
a couple weeks ago we finally took ever to see big hero 6. she loved it. i loved it. will loved it. as soon as we got home i started working on this painting because i felt inspired. if you like my version of baymax you are in luck because i'll be having prints made very soon to sell on {etsy}.
never a dull moment
just bits and pieces from a day in our lives. i really love ever's movie review at the end of the video. i'm not thrilled about our shower fiasco but it'll be great to show you the finished product when we get it all patched up because we have a pretty good idea for the new shelf.
i'm so glad i just happened to be recording as we played outside the other day because i captured some priceless moments. ever calls leaves "beleaves" as you'll see in this video. you'll also find out what she thinks is sick. we are posting a video every day during the month of december over on our {youtube channel}. please subscribe and enjoy the cute moments.
2 month olds
these pictures we taken on november 16th when olive and fable turned two months.
the greatest thing about the two month mark is how much they started smiling and sometimes giggling at us....especially olive. she has always been full of smiles from the day she was born whether awake or sleeping. fable tends to be more serious but she has even shared plenty of gummy smiles with us. we love them and their gummy smiles way too much.

olive reverie
fable rouge
1 month olds
i hate that i'm so behind on things but being a mom to twins and an energetic toddler doesn't leave time for much of anything....especially blogging.
these pictures were taken on october 16th when fable and olive turned a month old. it is crazy how much they've grown since these were taken. these girls are very different in so many ways and i love that about them. i feel like all of these pictures could have a funny caption to go with them since it looks like the girls are having conversations. they do enjoy communicating with each other.
fable my serious girl
olive my smiley girl
*oh and the black paint on their hands is from a little halloween craft we did.
five years of adventures
five years ago on this day we got married.
i never could have imagined that our lives would be the way they are now if i would have thought five years into the future.
so many adventures have happened since that day. as will likes to say, even a misadventure in an adventure. our love has grown as we've faced the ups and downs of life together. our family has grown as
ever, olive, and fable graced us with their presence.
i'm always amazed at the life we have now when we look back at older pictures or reminisce about things in the past. there is something magical and sort of frightening about not knowing what the future holds. i am excited to see what the next 5 years and beyond bring.
i'll spare you all the mushy things i have to say about will......he can read those in his anniversary card, but i have to say that i really love him and this life we have together.
ever meeting fable and olive
this is the other video i've wanted to share on here. one of my favorite parts of it is when ever points to fable and says this one is cute.
twin lullaby video
this is one of the videos i had mentioned shortly after fable and olive were born. we have started a youtube channel to share snippets like these of our lives and eventually much more.
halloween 2014
halloween this year was as chaotic and fun as i expected it would be. the days leading up to it ever would ask me if it was time to trick-or-treat yet. she tends to love spooky things so naturally halloween is the holiday for is all she's talked about since the first creepy decorations appeared in stores. speaking of that ever calls the dollar store the ghost store. she talked my mom and will into taking her there and buying her things multiple times over the last few weeks. i think she's going to be upset when she realizes halloween is not a year round thing.
the big sister bumble bee with her baby foxes.
ever was really thrilled for me to put makeup on her but as soon as i started doing that she didn't want to sit still so we didn't get very far with makeup. then she ended up crying some of it off because we were trying to make her eat dinner before leaving the cruel of us, i know.
between ever's refusal to comply and a projectile vomit episode from olive i thought we'd never make it out of the house in time for the trunk or treat at the church. i was not in the greatest mood but it got better once we made it to our destination. it took hours to get us all out of the house and even with my preparation ahead of time we were still flustered and running late just like i didn't want. because of that i failed to get any videos of the girls in costume and i didn't get the pictures i wanted....just a bunch of rushed snaps on the phone but i suppose they'll work.
ever was thrilled that yaya wore a costume until she noticed that picture on the package that showed a witch with a green face. she cried and shook with fear and told my mom that she could not put on the yellow stuff. i thought our night might be a bit rocky with the scary things we'd end up seeing but nothing frightened her....just the picture of the witch with the green face. we haven't heard the end of it.
she looks so proud here and i love that.
i can't think of a better way to trick-or-treat than with a cuddly baby strapped to my body.
brandon met us for a minute (with his dirty work clothes and mad scientist hair) which as you can see made ever's night complete. he wasn't thrilled about me sharing this picture but how could i not with ever's giant crooked smile.
fable and olive's newborn photo shoot
i've said it before and i'll say it again....high quality photos are always a must no matter what.
i still regret not hiring erica to do our wedding photos. i never want to have that regret again so as soon as i found out about our new additions i thought about erica taking their pictures even if photos weren't exactly in the budget. she also did ever's newborn photos that i cherish.
years ago i met {erica} through my cousin lisa and instantly i knew she was someone i wanted to be friends with. unfortunately we don't see each other often anymore...just when i have a baby. we always say we'll try to see each other besides every couple years and hopefully that is the case. erica amazed me once again with these....
ever was a bit reluctant about posing which i think is evident in this picture but she did so well and i love this of my 3 girls together.
ever has not stopped talking about erica since she was here.
(we are always catching smiles from her....glad erica was able to as well)
i am such a fan of black and white photos. i was surprised this time around how i leaned more towards the color photos though....this would be an exception. the way they are holding on to each love!
i almost didn't have my picture taken with the babies because i wasn't exactly in a picture taking mood 12 days after having them. erica convinced me to go for it and i am so glad she did because i love how these turned out.
the pictures of will with the babies turned out so great.
he is such a wonderful papa and i think that his love for these tiniest gals is evident in these shots.
i hope at some point we can have erica do family photos for us. might not happen really soon but someday. if you are looking for a wonderful photographer she's your lady.
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