
easter now and then

last easter ever was less than a week old, this time she is almost a year old.
i can't get over how her entire body fit in the easter basket last year and now she can only stand in it.  
we had a relaxing day at home...just the three of us.  initially there were plans for an early birthday/easter celebration with my mom but she has been sick so unfortunately we canceled plans.  today was still really nice and full of reflecting about how much has changed over the last year with our little love.  i didn't go all out getting her easter goodies or coloring eggs but she did get a hello kitty bunny, a stuffed kitten that she couldn't leave the store without and her first taste of ice cream.  next year i'm sure we will make more of a big deal of things but this year was calm, wonderful, and even a little more perfect than last easter. 

she loved the ice cream and got mad when it took will too long to give her a spoonful.  oh and when the ice cream was gone she threw herself on the ground in an all out tantrum. 


video city and we are the mayors

these first two videos are of ever when she was 2 months old.  i have them saved on the computer but i still do not have the heart to take them off my phone because they are two of my favorites that i watch often.  this time next week ever will be a year old and it is the most bittersweet thought.  she is so hilarious these days and in many ways much easier to care for than she was as a newborn, but i'd be lying if i said there weren't moments that i desperately wish for those beginning months with her again. 

i think i would call this video the look of love.  

fake crying.

cracking up at her papa.

giving kisses and saying ta-da after her nap.

"talking" to her toothbrush when she should be asleep.  
can't really see this one but the audio is the best part anyway.  
i had to pry the toothbrush out of her sleepy hands.  



week 12/52
i love ever's closed mouth smile just as much as her giant open mouth smile.  
i held up the camera and said....smile for yaya, so that i could send my mom a couple pictures.  ever looked around the room and kept repeating yaya then she gave me the biggest smile but i was only able to capture a clear shot of this little version that i love so much.  


what she is thinking

 as i mentioned in the last post these are the extra photos from the portrait a week thing i've been doing.
i'm going to tell you what i think ever is thinking in each photo....

why are you always taking pictures and trying to force me to sit still?

i'm tired of the hair accessories...just accept the fact that i'm not going to keep them in.

giving me hello kitty to play with isn't going to make your ridiculous photo taking obsession any less annoying.

i know i can walk away from you but it isn't going to happen unless i'm safely holding on to something like my dresser.  

you aren't done yet?

i love my papa so i'll give a little smile since i'm staring at him.

i like to lay on my tummy and calmly kick my legs while playing with something because that is what toddlers do and i'm no longer a baby. 

just practicing my best bulldog impression.



week 11/52
as i type this ever is sleeping in like she does most days...already a teenager....stays up late and sleeps until late morning.  is it strange to say that i miss her?  i know that as soon as she wakes up my day will go from being calm and quiet to hectic and loud but even with that reality i miss her when i am up before her.  many times during the day i wish for some calm and quiet time to myself.  a moment to do something simple on my own without chasing her around the house and removing her from the next place she climbs.  i look forward to her taking a nap in the afternoon but then i find myself missing that funny little lady once she is finally down for a nap.  what a spell this almost one year old has cast on me.
p.s. while trying to get this portrait a week shot i had plenty of blurry ones because she was moving constantly but i did manage to capture a few besides this one that were super cute so i suppose i'll be sharing those soon....just warning you. 


more art with free shipping

these are just a few more that i've added to my shop.  
you can use this link for free shipping on all unframed prints through sunday.


i will always love you very much

sometimes i am just overwhelmed by how thoughtful certain people are.
yesterday a package arrived in the mail for me.  it was from my friend camille.  she has shocked me time and again with her thoughtful notions.  whether it be an amazingly practical baby shower gift, a random much needed generous gift, a gorgeous bouquet of flowers during a tough time.  i always think she can't top what she has done before, but then she does when i least expect it.
this is what i got from her yesterday
a pendant with my dad's handwriting.  it was part of something he had written in my baby book.  there have been many moments, especially over the last year, that i have really missed my dad more than usual.
this special gift is a perfect reminder of his love for me and something i will always cherish.  i don't think there are adequate words that i could use to express to camille just how much her thoughtful gift means to me.

interesting side note....
the day before i got this i saw something just like it on pinterest and fell in love with it.   

lately from ever

hi everyone...it's me...ever.  
excuse me for being behind on posting again.  something i will not apologize for is the amount of pictures in this post including repetitive pictures because they are all so good and worth sharing.

first things first...i love when yaya watches me so my parents can go out on a date because she lets me make the biggest messes and do things my mama usually wouldn't let me do.  yaya knows and understands my naughty side.  i was overjoyed when she let me take the entire yogurt cup and rub it all over my face, the highchair, and my hair.    

these pictures just show the beginning of the mess.

lately i'm really interested in my mama chewing gum.  i make this face with my tongue sticking out to let her know that i want her to open up and show me what is in her mouth.  mama thinks this is ridiculously cute.

i am also quite interested in eating paper and mama is always spoiling the fun by taking it away from me....after she snaps a few pictures of course.  

this is the face i make when i see something that really makes me happy, like something i see on the computer or tv.  

last week there was a day that it snowed.  on that day yaya brought over a new stuffed husky for me and i called her brulé.  i spent the next few days cuddling and kissing my brulé.

i am still really picky about most foods but something i recently discovered and love is watermelon.  i think it is most delicious.  

as the sun was setting the other day mama took me outside to play.  i loved picking up rocks and saying "what's that" a million times, then i tried to taste the rocks several times but that darn watchdog of a mom i have prevented me from tasting what i thought would be yummy morsels.  

can you tell my mama is obsessed with taking pictures of me? 
crazy lady.  

until next time....xoxo ever