scottie dogs
it sure is nice to be reunited with my beloved. you know what else is nice....when he unpacks his bag and says oh yeah....i got you a little something.
he got me a scottie dogs.
not the real kind but the kind that are of the candy variety.
scottie dog licorice.
he said....i thought you would like these because they are cute.
and he was totally right.
i love cute!
cute anything.
so thank you dear husband for getting me cute sweet little red edible scottie dogs while you were away.
and thanks for being my sidekick, for being sweet to me the past few days while i haven't felt good, for getting the angel food cake out of the oven before it all went up in flames, for going to a movie with me and the fam, for surprising me by coming home from work at lunch (yes he had to work today...lame), for making me laugh, and for slaying spiders.
oh i almost forgot......
thank you for letting me get these for our checking account and not even making a big deal about having hello kitty checks with your name on them because you know how bad i want them.
parting is such sweet sorrow....
...that i shall say good night till it be morrow.
true story...that parting and sorrow stuff. a few days ago Will decided to take a trip to california with his friend John to pick up an old car that his friend bought. he asked if i would be ok with him leaving for about 24 hours and i said....whatever you want to do.....like it wasn't big deal. well i regretted saying that the next night when his iffy decision to go turned in to a firm decision to go.
you would think we would get sick of each other since see each other so much even on work days, because we are lucky enough to work for the same corporation. we usually have lunch together. we sometimes take little breaks together and it's the greatest thing to meet up with him for a few minutes on a hectic day. we spend more time with each other than most married couples probably do but it doesn't get old. i love spending time with him.
anyway the other night you would have thought he told me he would be leaving for a week by the way i pouted. not to mention the way i panicked about staying here all by myself for an entire night. let's just say i'm really glad Will doesn't have to travel for work because i'm a big wimp about nights alone. the kind of wimp that turns every light on in the house when it's dark. i can admit that...i'm not ashamed.
this going away for 24 hours thing wasn't as bad as i originally imagined. first of all it's easy for me to say that because he's almost home and secondly i had a fun sleepover at my moms house last night. i got to play with my 5 favorite furry creatures. i got to spend a little quality time with my mom. and i had the chance to watch some favorite shows on tv (something i don't do at my house).
so all is well and i am happy.
here are a few of the billion pictures i took of the babes and the pretty wildflowers around my moms house.....

those 5 furry creatures are so much fun and i love them.....i love you too mom.
now excuse me while i go count down the minutes......my romeo will be home soon!!!
true story...that parting and sorrow stuff. a few days ago Will decided to take a trip to california with his friend John to pick up an old car that his friend bought. he asked if i would be ok with him leaving for about 24 hours and i said....whatever you want to do.....like it wasn't big deal. well i regretted saying that the next night when his iffy decision to go turned in to a firm decision to go.
you would think we would get sick of each other since see each other so much even on work days, because we are lucky enough to work for the same corporation. we usually have lunch together. we sometimes take little breaks together and it's the greatest thing to meet up with him for a few minutes on a hectic day. we spend more time with each other than most married couples probably do but it doesn't get old. i love spending time with him.
anyway the other night you would have thought he told me he would be leaving for a week by the way i pouted. not to mention the way i panicked about staying here all by myself for an entire night. let's just say i'm really glad Will doesn't have to travel for work because i'm a big wimp about nights alone. the kind of wimp that turns every light on in the house when it's dark. i can admit that...i'm not ashamed.
this going away for 24 hours thing wasn't as bad as i originally imagined. first of all it's easy for me to say that because he's almost home and secondly i had a fun sleepover at my moms house last night. i got to play with my 5 favorite furry creatures. i got to spend a little quality time with my mom. and i had the chance to watch some favorite shows on tv (something i don't do at my house).
so all is well and i am happy.
here are a few of the billion pictures i took of the babes and the pretty wildflowers around my moms house.....

those 5 furry creatures are so much fun and i love them.....i love you too mom.
now excuse me while i go count down the minutes......my romeo will be home soon!!!
diamond sunset
as we took our evening walk we discussed the names of streets. i personally think it's annoying when there are streets with the same name but there is a court, way, avenue, place at the end.....like in our neighborhood. it gets a little confusing you know? or maybe it only does for me.
anyway, i say i could do a great job at naming streets and Will agrees that he could too. then before you know it our street naming conversation shifted to me discussing the name of makeup colors. i told za husband that i've always thought it would be cool to name makeup colors.
so he started to quiz me.....
Will: what would you name a sparkly red?
Skye: there's no place like home
Will: that's a good one (obviously totally impressed with my skill)
Skye: what would you name a sparkly orange?
Will: diamond sunset
Skye: wow!!!
we went through a bit of the rainbow. his makeup color names were equally as impressive as mine.
i really love our random conversations we are always having.
this morning these showed up at my desk...
thank you poopie for brightening my day even if i do act like a butthead sometimes.
i don't always deserve you but i'm sure happy i have you.
like really happy.
drivers license adventures
after work we decided to make a little trip to the motor vehicle place and get the address changed on our licenses plus i had yet to change my name on my license since our wedding in november.
going to that place is obviously not on my top ten list of fun things to do.
a few weeks ago i had gone online to see what it would take to change my name on my license. i had high hopes that it was something i could do on the internet but figured i would end up spending some time at the place that is full of scary people. just so you know it can't be done online.
in hopes to make our trip quick i came prepared with our marriage certificate, my new social security card, and my old license.....all of the ingredients needed for a seamless switcheroo.
i thought for sure since my last drivers license was issued just a year ago i wouldn't need to take a new picture. i was wrong and i pouted about it and begged that they just use my old picture.
for my previous trip to the dmv i planned ahead with a little touch up of hair and makeup. i mean let's face it....a drivers license picture is widely publicized and i prefer to have a good one.
after whining about the fact that i had to get a new picture i dug through my purse and quickly put on what makeup i could find as fast as possible before they called my number. my lovely husband just made fun of me and joked that if they did an eye test i'd most likely fail. ha ha very funny Will. it's probably true though....my perfect vision has slowly declined over the years, so much so that Will recently asked.....honey when are you due for an eye exam? past due thank you very much!
anyway we both made it through the unpleasant process fairly quickly and without much harm done.
going to that place is obviously not on my top ten list of fun things to do.
a few weeks ago i had gone online to see what it would take to change my name on my license. i had high hopes that it was something i could do on the internet but figured i would end up spending some time at the place that is full of scary people. just so you know it can't be done online.
in hopes to make our trip quick i came prepared with our marriage certificate, my new social security card, and my old license.....all of the ingredients needed for a seamless switcheroo.
i thought for sure since my last drivers license was issued just a year ago i wouldn't need to take a new picture. i was wrong and i pouted about it and begged that they just use my old picture.
for my previous trip to the dmv i planned ahead with a little touch up of hair and makeup. i mean let's face it....a drivers license picture is widely publicized and i prefer to have a good one.
after whining about the fact that i had to get a new picture i dug through my purse and quickly put on what makeup i could find as fast as possible before they called my number. my lovely husband just made fun of me and joked that if they did an eye test i'd most likely fail. ha ha very funny Will. it's probably true though....my perfect vision has slowly declined over the years, so much so that Will recently asked.....honey when are you due for an eye exam? past due thank you very much!
anyway we both made it through the unpleasant process fairly quickly and without much harm done.
just the other day i was saying how much i like my drivers license picture because i look like a vampire with that super pale skin.
now in the new picture i look like i've spent plenty of time lounging in the sun.
the funny thing is....my skin is the same color it always has been (pale) so the camera played a trick both times.
goodbye vampire picture hello sunkissed picture.
we couldn't help but laugh at the drastic difference in will's pictures.
i kept asking him to show me the new license because i think it's the best.
let's just say i know how to cook and it shows.
p.s.#1 here is a picture of the giraffe i just made and sold.
p.s.#2 for the record i love our neighborhood. it is quiet. it is friendly. it is pretty. it has been fun taking walks around it like we have lately and enjoying views like this...
painting day
we had our usual relaxed saturday with the typical tasks of cleaning house and running some errands and doing whatever else tickles our fancy. i love saturdays because i love sleeping in and Will usually makes pancakes and we get to do things on our own time. in the evening i did a couple paintings, Will came in and did a couple with me. he usually sits and watches or reads while i work on them but this time he joined in and it was really fun. his paintings/mixed media art are to decorate the most wonderful part of this house in his opinion....the garage.
here are the beauties we came up with....
the two i worked on.....
the two he worked on......
the dear husband hung up a wire in the art room for this fun idea i had to showcase some of the wonderful little kid art Mia has gifted me with...
my favorites have to be wall-e, eve, and mo. when i got wall-e out of the folder i was safely keeping him in these last few weeks i laughed pretty hard. they are so adorable.
candy bar and a birds eye view
the monkey painting i shared with you a few nights ago is now a candy bar wrapper.
a friend of mine that i work with who also happens to be a computer whiz took the painting and added a little poem/story i wrote then printed it out to be a wrapper for a candy bar at the baby shower i attended today. it was a big hit at the baby shower and elsewhere. my mom and will pretty much think it's the most amazing thing on the planet, that's because they love me a whole bunch. now i am being pushed to become a candy bar wrapper designer.
and for those of you who have requested pictures of the house, here is a birds eye view at most of the rooms. you'd think that i would clean the house, make the bed, put things away before i post pictures for the world to see, but i am too tired to tidy up after the crazy day i had at work and i was in the picture taking mood so oh well. here it is messes and all....
a friend of mine that i work with who also happens to be a computer whiz took the painting and added a little poem/story i wrote then printed it out to be a wrapper for a candy bar at the baby shower i attended today. it was a big hit at the baby shower and elsewhere. my mom and will pretty much think it's the most amazing thing on the planet, that's because they love me a whole bunch. now i am being pushed to become a candy bar wrapper designer.
and for those of you who have requested pictures of the house, here is a birds eye view at most of the rooms. you'd think that i would clean the house, make the bed, put things away before i post pictures for the world to see, but i am too tired to tidy up after the crazy day i had at work and i was in the picture taking mood so oh well. here it is messes and all....
{the living room--notice the cool spot for a flat screen
and our lack of such a thing but our big dinosaur tv--that's just us}
{view #1 of the kitchen}
{view #2 of the kitchen}
{the dining area}
{the front door}
{more living room--future spot for a rickety
old piano--all for decorations sake not for playing}
{my creative spot/spare room}
{tub in master bathroom}
{super messy master closet which i
have dominated--poor husband}
{my sink/makeup putting on spot}
{the master shower which is almost as big as a bedroom}
{my side of the bed}
{a vinyl print i enjoy in our bedroom and
another spot designed for a flat screen but we managed
to rig our other dinosaur tv to fit}
{a little peek at the spare bathroom}
so there you have it.
a peek at the place we call home.
the place that i can hardly wait to get to when the good old day job is over.
a place that we are going to make a billion fun memories in.
what you do on the fun run
sometimes you need to take a super loud hot rod out on the interstate and enjoy yourself.
even when it's unseasonably cold in the month of may and the car doesn't have windows.
even if it seems you could be taking years off your ears with the loud rumble of the engine.
you take along the proper snacks
you take as many pictures as possible.....especially when your name is skye and you tend to do that anyway.
seriously, you take a picture every minute and the scene looks mostly the same but you keep taking them just in case you get a really wonderful shot.
not that this is a wonderful shot but it didn't stop me.
you get nervous every time you pass a diesel because you realize the vehicle you are in could fit underneath that thing pretty easily.
you take pictures of the friends you are cruising with when you pass them.
you think a lot because having a decent conversation with all the noise is pretty much out of the question.
so you take a picture of these big thingies, whatever they are called, and recall that during your childhood when you drove past one staring out of the backseat you thought about how much it really looked like a giant robot to you.
and they seemed like slightly scary giant robots.
when you get to seligman you admire the sights of the quaint little town.
you look at the clouds and keep thinking as you are wearing 4 layers of clothing and teeth are still chattering that it's ten times better to be cold instead of hot.
you take a picture with your husband in front of a clunky rusted old truck that in your opinion is a really cute truck.
then you admire this rusty old car and take a billion pictures of it inside and out because it is just so cool
then you have your husband pose in front of it.
you daydream about this being the perfect location to take one year anniversary pictures.
and you just really enjoy your day with your favorite person because it's hard not to.
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